Coping With Lupus

Lupus and Anemia

Anemia is the most common blood disorder associated with lupus – affecting over 50% of all those diagnosed.  So, if you have lupus, it is a good idea to review the latest information regarding the symptoms, causes and treatment options for the various forms of anemia. Introduction Symptoms Types of Anemia and Causes Tests and…

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Fibromyalgia and Lupus

Affecting approximately 6% of the world’s population, fibromyalgia is one of the most common chronic, widespread pain conditions diagnosed. What exactly is fibromyalgia and who is at risk for developing it? Introduction What causes fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia’s Relationship to Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) How is fibromyalgia diagnosed? How is fibromyalgia treated? What is the prognosis? In…

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Lupus and Menopause

We are fortunate to live in a day and age when many of us can speak openly about sexual health and well-being, and it’s no longer considered taboo to discuss menopause.  Once whispered under the breath – and never around men – “the change of life” was something you only discussed with your bestie or…

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Lupus and Opioids

In light of the current opioid crisis, it is important to be aware of the benefits and risks associated with this class of prescription painkillers for those living with lupus. Introduction What are opioids? Dealing with an Opioid Addiction Alternatives to Opioids In Conclusion Introduction Right from the beginning, it is important to note that…

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Lupus and Cannabis: A New Conversation

At Kaleidoscope Fighting Lupus, we rigorously stay up-to-date on the latest lupus treatments and therapy strategies.  In this article, we explore the uses of cannabis and its derivatives.  The following is a brief overview that may begin to answer some questions that you may have. Introduction How can cannabis and its derivatives effectively treat lupus…

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Lupus and Nutrition

A good diet should be a priority for everyone. However, when there are complex lupus symptoms to manage, you have to go above and beyond the basic nutritional guidelines. This isn’t always and easy thing to do. Introduction Basic Dietary Guidelines to Follow When You Have Lupus The Impact of Good Nutrition on Lupus Dietary…

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Lupus and Summer

Summertime … and the livin’ with lupus is… not easy. With the intense sunlight, heat, humidity, wind, pollen and even air pollution, summer can make life miserable for those living with SLE.  Summer conditions can trigger flares and possibly even the disease itself.  To learn how to best manage this time of year, read on. …

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Traveling With Lupus

Set yourself up for success by reviewing the Kaleidoscope Fighting Lupus travel guide!   Preparing The Flight The Hotel Room Getting Around Town The Food The Medications In Case of an Emergency This time of year, many people enjoy traveling.  Exploring different places, cultures, foods and sights can be inspiring and life-changing. However, the stress…

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Living with Lupus: Managing Other People’s Feelings When You Are Ill

Sometimes the hardest part of telling others that you have lupus is managing how they deal with your news. Read more about the complex emotions that can arise from a lupus diagnosis. Introduction Fear of the Unknown Vulnerability Trust Jealousy Guilt and Shame In Conclusion   Introduction Having a chronic disease like lupus can be difficult, to say the…

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Caring for the Caregiver: What You Need to Know

Lupus caregivers can also feel the strain of living with a chronic illness, often neglecting their own well-being while being attentive to others. So how can caregivers make sure to get the care they need?  Read on to find out. Introduction to Lupus and Caring for the Caregiver How can those with lupus support caregivers?…

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