Educational Videos
Welcome to our online series of lupus educational videos and symposiums!
These presentations feature lupus experts, researchers, physicians, nutritionists, therapists and patients about living healthily with lupus, lupus nephritis and overlapping conditions.
Men, Women, Love & Lupus

Kaleidoscope Fighting Lupus – Men and Lupus
Nationally renowned lupus expert, Robert Lahita, MD, PhD, addresses the unique medical and social challenges experienced by men with lupus and how lupus affects sexuality, intimacy and relationships experienced by both men and women.
Robert Lahita, MD, PhD is Professor of Medicine at University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and an adjunct professor at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. He is Chairman, Vice President and a senior attending physician at the Newark Beth Israel Hospital.
Internationally recognized for his clinical research in SLE and autoimmune diseases, Dr. Lahita’s findings have been the subject of over 170 published articles and book chapters and more than 14 books. He has written and edited numerous books on the topic of lupus, including, Lupus Q & A: Everything You Need to Know.
Dr. Lahita has appeared on CBS This Morning, MSNBC, Good Morning America, Regis and Kelly, Geraldo, Entertainment Tonight, and other well-known shows. He recently completed a segment on autoimmune diseases for Lifetime TV.
Currently Dr. Lahita’s interests include the role of sex hormones on apoptosis, the association of gonadal pathology in women with the onset of autoimmunity, and autoimmunity in men.