Educational Videos
Welcome to our online series of lupus educational videos and symposiums!
These presentations feature lupus experts, researchers, physicians, nutritionists, therapists and patients about living healthily with lupus, lupus nephritis and overlapping conditions.
Butterflies in My Stomach: Lupus and the Gut Microbiome

This KFL educational video focuses on the gut microbiome – the natural bacteria of the digestive tract – and the latest research on its possible relationship with lupus. Two experts draw upon their wealth of experience to provide important perspectives on how the gut microbiome may cause or contribute to lupus as well as lead to possible future therapies.
The goal of this video is to empower those living with lupus to understand their health, manage their symptoms and effectively communicate with their healthcare providers.
Presenters include:
Teri Greiling, MD, PhD, is an Associate Professor, Associate Program Director of Research and Vice-Chair of Dermatology at the Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine. Dr. Greiling discusses her cutting edge research on the relationship between digestive health, the natural bacteria of the digestive tract and how they affect lupus and other aspects of autoimmunity. Dr. Greiling also suggests a new approach to thinking about lupus.
Arnita Roberts-Christie, RN, BSN, MS, is a registered nurse and patient engagement liaison with GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). Arnita’s presentation includes a wealth of information, advice and a tools that you can use to help keep your digestive system healthy and manage lupus symptoms with diet, sleep and rest.
We thank GSK for their generous sponsorship of this educational video!