
Lupus and the Microbiome: What Is Your Gut Telling You?

A quickly growing amount of research has been devoted to seeing how lupus is affected by gut health, not only in how the disease can be helped by good bacteria, but how it might even be triggered by bad ones! Introduction The Amazing World of Your Internal Ecosystem! Could Gut Bacteria “Cause” Lupus? Keeping Your…

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Happiness: Increasing the Odds – and Neurotransmitters

Individuals with lupus experience more than a fair share of ups and downs. Some days, it may feel possible to run relays while other days, loading the dishwasher may take every ounce of available energy – and then some. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to save some of the good days in order…

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Cheers to You! Balancing Alcohol and Lupus

Introduction Drinking 101 – An Alcohol Primer Avoiding a Cocktail for Disaster – Drug Interactions with Alcohol When You Have Lupus Celebrate Good Times – One Ginger Ale at a Time In Conclusion Introduction Well, maybe I’ll just have one. Stop and think seriously about this before having the bartender pour you a lemon drop….

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Understanding Your Urinalysis

Kidney disease, specifically lupus nephritis, is one of the most common and serious conditions for those diagnosed with lupus.  Timely urinalysis testing is a relatively simple and effective way to help with an early diagnosis that may prevent damage later on.  Here is an overview of what you should know and expect from urinalysis testing….

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The Holidays, Food and Lupus: A Guide to Healthy Eating and Happy Hosting

Introduction Celebrating Across Faiths and Cultures Navigating the Dinner Dilemma – Be in the Driver’s Seat! Is Fasting Safe? In Conclusion Introduction The holidays bring with them so many expectations. The ritual of coming together after long separations across time or miles should be a joyous experience, invoking feelings of excitement and pleasure.  More often…

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Lupus in Children

Child-onset lupus is quite rare, but can be more serious than adult-onset form of the disease.  This article describes the latest information for those who live with lupus at a very early age. Contents: Introduction Symptoms and Causes Diagnosing Lupus in Children What is the treatment for lupus in children? (Important 2024 Update!!) What is…

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Lupus and Pregnancy

If you have lupus, managing pregnancy while managing chronic illness takes a team effort – you don’t have to go it alone. This article will address many of the questions you may have about lupus and pregnancy in order to have informed discussions with your healthcare practitioners about what to expect if you are planning…

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Lupus and Menopause

We are fortunate to live in a day and age when many of us can speak openly about sexual health and well-being, and it’s no longer considered taboo to discuss menopause.  Once whispered under the breath – and never around men – “the change of life” was something you only discussed with your bestie or…

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Lupus and Opioids

In light of the current opioid crisis, it is important to be aware of the benefits and risks associated with this class of prescription painkillers for those living with lupus. Introduction What are opioids? Dealing with an Opioid Addiction Alternatives to Opioids In Conclusion Introduction Right from the beginning, it is important to note that…

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Lupus and Raynaud’s Syndrome

One of the more common overlapping conditions with some of us living with lupus, is Raynauld’s Phenomenon.  This blog describes the condition, what to look for, and how it can be managed. Contents: Introduction Raynaud’s Phenomenon and its Symptoms What causes Raynaud’s Phenomenon? How is Raynaud’s Phenomenon diagnosed? Treating Raynaud’s Phenomenon Preventing or Minimizing Symptoms…

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