About Lupus, Blog, Featured
Lupus and the Risk of Stroke
It is estimated that those with SLE have 8 times the risk for stroke compared to the general public. The following describes what these risks entail and how you can reduce them as much as possible! Introduction What is stroke? What are the risk factors for stroke in individuals with SLE? How does stroke affect…
Blog, Featured
Lupus and the Liver
Those with lupus / SLE have a 25-50% chance of developing abnormal liver values in their lifetime. Read on to find out more about the liver, how it can be affected by lupus and what you can do to take care of this vital organ! Introduction Function of the Liver Conditions of the Liver,…
Blog, Featured
Lupus and the Lungs
According to Johns Hopkins, approximately half of those with SLE will experience some form of lung involvement. Here is a quick overview of some of the most significant conditions and treatments to consider. Introduction Conditions of the Lungs Pleuritis Acute Lupus Pneumonitis (ALP) Chronic Diffuse Interstitial Lung Disease Subacute Interstitial Lung Disease Pulmonary Emboli Antiphospholipid…
Blog, Featured
The Doctor Diaries: What Physicians Wish Patients Knew
Joan Jarrett, M.D., polled dozens of doctors to find out what they would tell you, if only they could. Here are the top twelve. 01. WE ARE WORKING ON YOUR CASE, EVEN IF IT LOOKS LIKE WE HAVE DISAPPEARED. Physicians often forget how scary being in the hospital can be. Rest assured that when…
Blog, Coping With Lupus, Featured, Living with Lupus, Lupus in Men, Men with Lupus
The 4th of July and Being a Dad with Lupus!
Here are some thoughts from a dad as we begin the summer vacation season and the 4th of July holiday … but these are important for any day of the year … because you are a dad 365 days a year! Introduction Fatherhood and Lupus Society’s Expectations In Conclusion Introduction I am a dad with…
About Lupus, Blog, Featured, General Information
Lupus Awareness Month 2018
Kaleidoscope Fighting Lupus May is National Lupus Awareness Month – a time for Kaleidoscope Fighting Lupus and partnering organizations across the country to highlight the disease. May 10th is World Lupus Day bringing global awareness to this disease. Lupus is a global health problem affecting millions of people of all nationalities, races, ethnicities, genders and…
About Lupus, Blog, Featured, Mouth Sores, Symptoms
Mouth Sores and Lupus
Contents: Introduction How is it diagnosed? What may be causing my mouth sores if it is not lupus? How are mouth sores treated? What can be done to help alleviate or prevent them How can my dentist help? In conclusion Introduction Much of the information about systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) focuses on how the disease affects…
H.P. ACTHAR® GEL and Lupus
WHAT IS LUPUS? Lupus is widespread and chronic autoimmune disease that, for some reason, causes the immune system to attack the body’s own tissue and organs, including the joints, kidneys, heart, lungs, brain, blood or skin. Lupus is one of America’s least recognized major diseases, despite the fact that hundreds of thousands of Americans suffer…
About Lupus, Blog, Featured, General Information, Lupus Nephritis
Lupus Nephritis
Contents: Introduction What are the kidneys and what do they do? What are the symptoms of lupus nephritis and how do I recognize it? How does lupus nephritis get diagnosed? Once diagnosed, how is lupus nephritis treated? Can Lifestyle Changes Help Those With Lupus Nephritis? How Research is Providing Hope In Summary, by Dr. Donald…
About Lupus, Blog, Featured, General Information, The Doctors
Doctors Who Treat Lupus
Contents: Introduction Types of Doctors That Treat Lupus: Dermatologist Cardiologist Clinical Immunologist Endocrinologist Family Doctor Gastroenterologist Hematologist Nephrologist Neurologist Perinatologist Psychologist Pulmonologist Rheumatologist Social Worker In Conclusion…