About Lupus, Autoimmune Diseases, Blog, Featured, General Information, Symptoms, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
Lupus and Blood Disorders
It is estimated that 85% of lupus patients will experience some form of unhealthy blood condition. In this article, we will take a closer at the blood disorder risks, symptoms and treatments for individuals living with lupus. Introduction What is blood? What causes a blood disorder? Diagnosing Blood Disorders Common Blood Disorders in Lupus…
About Lupus, Blog, Coping With Lupus, Featured, Living with Lupus, Medications
What it is: Azathioprine or the brand name Imuran, is a drug that was originally developed to prevent organ rejection in people who had received a donor transplant. Currently, in addition to its anti-rejection properties, it is also being used more and more to treat autoimmune diseases like systemic lupus, dermatomyositis, vasculitis, rheumatoid arthritis and…
About Lupus, Blog, Coping With Lupus, Featured, Lupus in Men, Medications
DHEA and Lupus
WHAT IS IT? Dehydroepiandrosterone, commonly called DHEA, is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands. DHEA leads to the production of androgen and estrogen, which are sex hormones that play an important role in the reproductive systems of both men and women. Interestingly, studies have shown that people who have SLE, have lower levels of…
Blog, Coping With Lupus, Featured
The Shame Game: Why You Hide Your Lupus from Others
SHAME. The word shame can be described as a painful, social emotion that can be seen as a result of an awareness of inadequacy or guilt. Experiencing shame is, honestly, one of the most miserable and self-loathing emotions this world has to offer. Interestingly, the roots of the word “shame” are believed to be derivative…
Blog, Coping With Lupus, Featured, Living with Lupus, Symptoms
Lupus and the Endocrine System
The endocrine system doesn’t get the respect it deserves – after all, it influences almost every cell, organ and function of the body. It is also intimately connected to your immune system and can be heavily influenced not only by your lupus, but also by the medications you take. How? Read on to find out!…
Blog, Featured, Medications, Prednisone, Treatments
Prednisone: Pain Relief vs. Weight Gain?
Contents: What is prednisone and why is it prescribed? What is the benefit? Weight gain and other side effects of this medication… what are the risks? 10 Things you should know/do before taking prednisone How should it be used? In conclusion: The benefits and the risks weighed What is prednisone and why is it prescribed? What…
About Lupus, Autoimmune Diseases, Blog, Featured, General Information
100 Years of Lupus
INTRODUCTION If you were to question people on the street about the discovery of lupus, if they knew what it was in the first place, they would probably assume that it was a modern day disease. That assumption makes sense as to why so many people still don’t know what it is and what it…
About Lupus, Autoimmune Diseases, Blog, Coping With Lupus, Featured, General Information, Living with Lupus, Symptoms
STOP! LOOK! AND LISTEN! How to Get Your Doctor to Take You Seriously… In a Seriously Short Office Visit
Contents: How to Get Your Doctor to Take You Seriously… In a Seriously Short Office Visit Write Out Your Questions In Advance Speak Up! Check Your Fear At the Door Conclusion How to Get Your Doctor to Take You Seriously… In a Seriously Short Office Visit Physicians now, more than ever, are in a…
About Lupus, Blog, Coping With Lupus, Featured, Living with Lupus, Mind/Body Connection
Your “New” Normal: Finding Joy After A Lupus Diagnosis
Contents: Introduction Steps to Creating Your New Normal Start your day the right way… with an attitude of gratitude Praise yourself for who you are not what you do Let go of the past Welcome new experiences …
About Lupus, Blog, Coping With Lupus, Featured, General Information, Living with Lupus, What Causes Lupus?
Lupus and Epigenetics
Lupus is complex! Epigenetics is a new frontier in lupus research and therapy that combines what we know about genetics with all of the environmental and lifestyle factors that can affect our health. It may be the key to not only unlocking some of the mysteries of the disease, but also its cure! Introduction An…