
Lupus and Coffee

How many of us NEED a cup of coffee to start our day? Yet, what does it mean to consume coffee while living with lupus? The medical community is beginning to ask that question as well. Read on and find out about coffee and its impact on lupus. Introduction What Makes Coffee, Coffee? Coffee and…

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Lupus, Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) and Hydroxychloroquine

Did you know, that approximately half of individuals with lupus develop heart complications, which include rhythm disorders such as atrial fibrillation?  Learning more about the association between atrial fibrillation, lupus and how hydroxychloroquine may prove to be a valuable tool in symptom management. Introduction Symptoms, Causes and Risk Factors for Atrial Fibrillation Diagnosing and Treating…

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The Impact of Lupus on Oral and Dental Health

From ulcers and dry-mouth, to tooth decay and gum disease, lupus can significantly affect your oral and dental health. Read more about the surprisingly complex relationship between lupus and a healthy smile!   Introduction Signs and Symptoms of Oral and Dental Health Issues in Lupus Causes of Oral and Dental Health Issues in Lupus Oral…

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Lupus and Telemedicine

Today, millions are receiving at least some of their healthcare virtually – through online medical visits. Read about this rapidly evolving practice, and how it can support healthcare for individuals with lupus. Introduction Telemedicine Versus In-Office Visits for Chronic Illness The Pros and Cons of Telemedicine Telemedicine and HIPAA How to Prepare for a Virtual…

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Lupus Remission Guilt

You’re in remission – that is fantastic! So why do you feel so guilty? Keep reading and learn more about lupus remission guilt – how to understand it and do your best to manage the feeling. Introduction What is Lupus Remission Guilt? Shame vs. Guilt in Lupus Remission Managing Lupus Remission Guilt In Conclusion  …

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Drug-Induced Lupus

Lately, watching the evening news includes watching a myriad of drug commercials and hearing a litany of side effects, which often seem worse than the illnesses the medications are supposed to treat. Who knew that some of these drugs might even induce lupus? Introduction What medications cause DIL? What are the symptoms of DIL? How…

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Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

Lupus afflicts approximately 5 million people worldwide. Learn more about this chronic illness and how it impacts those who receive the diagnosis. Introduction What causes SLE? How can SLE affect the body systemically? What are the symptoms of SLE? Diagnosing SLE Managing and Treating SLE In Conclusion Introduction Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic…

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Lupus Flares: Recognizing one, triggers, and prevention

Lupus flares are the often unpredictable and debilitating bouts of symptoms that afflict many living with lupus.  For some they may be rare events, but for others, they are an ever-present source of worry.  This is an overview of lupus flares and suggestions for how to reduce their frequency and severity. Introduction What is a…

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New Protocol for Diagnosing Lupus

The American College of Rheumatology’s (ACR), in 1997, approved a specific set of criteria for the diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Recently, however, in collaboration with the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR), these criteria have been significantly revised. Read on to learn more about these important changes and how they can affect how lupus…

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Sjögren’s Disease and Lupus

Commonly characterized by dry eyes and mouth, Sjögren’s disease is a systemic autoimmune disease that can affect up to 15% of those diagnosed with lupus.  Keep reading to learn more about this complex condition and how it overlaps with SLE. Introduction Causes of Sjögren’s Disease Sjögren’s Syndrome as an Overlap of SLE Symptoms of Sjögren’s…

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