Biology of Autoimmunity, Blog, Brain and Nervous System, Coping With Lupus, Dietary Supplements, Human Biology, Living with Lupus, Mouth Sores, Nervous System, Nutrition, Peripheral Neuropathy, Sjogren's, Symptoms, The Senses
Lupus and Taste Disorders
Imagine biting into your favorite dish, only to find the flavors bland, metallic-tasting or even completely gone. For people living with lupus, this surprising symptom can do more than just turn everyday eating into a blah experience; it can significantly affect your health and quality of life. How? Check out this week’s blog article to…
Blog, Living with Lupus, Nutrition, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
Lupus and the Health Risks of Sugar
Sugar seems to be in everything. The average American gets 270 calories of “added” sugar each day in processed foods and sugary drinks – about 17 teaspoons! Unfortunately, consuming too much sugar can cause many serious health issues. So, what does this mean for those living with lupus? Read on to find out. A Quick…
Blog, Dietary Supplements, Human Biology, Nutrition
Lupus and Artificial Sweeteners
Artificial sweeteners have become a prevalent way to reduce sugar and its potentially harmful effects. Yet, is there a downside to consuming artificial sweeteners for someone living with lupus? Read on to find out. Introduction The Problem with Sugar … and Artificial Sweeteners to the Rescue! Artificial Sweeteners and Lupus In Conclusion: What is best…
Alternative Lupus Treatments, Biology of Autoimmunity, Blog, Dietary Supplements, Nutrition, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), Therapies, Treatments
Lupus and Selenium
Selenium may be the most important nutrient that you have never heard of. Yet, it is vital for maintaining overall health and reducing the inflammation caused by autoimmune diseases like lupus. Read on to learn more about the relationship between selenium, inflammation and SLE. What is selenium and why is it important for your health?…
5-Minute Read, Alternative Lupus Treatments, Blog, Living with Lupus, Nutrition, Therapies
Lupus and Turmeric
The spice that gives the most flavorful curry dishes their distinctive taste and color also contains antioxidants and other chemicals that may help improve some symptoms associated with lupus! How to separate the facts from fiction? Read on …. Introduction to Lupus and Turmeric How might turmeric help with lupus? What are the risks? In…
5-Minute Read, Hair Loss, Nutrition, Symptoms
Lupus and Dry, Brittle Hair – “Lupus Hair”
Lupus, and all that comes with it, can have a serious effect on your hair. Dry, brittle hair that easily breaks off is one aspect that can really be alarming. However, there are simple things you can do to lessen the damage. Continue reading to find out why ”lupus hair” happens, and what can you…
Blog, Brain and Nervous System, Coping With Lupus, Featured, Nutrition, Uncategorized
Lupus and Coffee
How many of us NEED a cup of coffee to start our day? Yet, what does it mean to consume coffee while living with lupus? The medical community is beginning to ask that question as well. Read on and find out about coffee and its impact on lupus. Introduction What Makes Coffee, Coffee? Coffee and…
About Lupus, Coping With Lupus, Dietary Supplements, Featured, General Information, Living with Lupus, Nutrition, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
Lupus and Nutrition
A good diet should be a priority for everyone. However, when there are complex lupus symptoms to manage, you have to go above and beyond the basic nutritional guidelines. This isn’t always and easy thing to do. Introduction Basic Dietary Guidelines to Follow When You Have Lupus The Impact of Good Nutrition on Lupus Dietary…
Blog, Featured, Human Biology, Medications, Nutrition, Symptoms, Therapies, Vitamin D
Vitamin D Deficiency and Lupus
If you have lupus, it is likely that you have been advised to take vitamin D as a supplement to your other therapies. Since those with lupus often must avoid direct sunlight, the primary way that vitamin D is produced naturally, it is a common deficiency that can lead to poor bone health – among…
Dietary Supplements, Medications, Nutrition, Therapies
Fatty Acids: Omega-3s in the Treatment of Lupus
Contents Introduction; The 20-second Overview What exactly are omega-3s? What are the health benefits of omega-3s? Sources of Omega-3 Krill Oil in the Treatment of Lupus In conclusion . Introduction: The 20-second Overview Lately, there have been a growing number of research studies, which highlight the possible role of certain fatty acids in slowing that…