About Lupus, Blog, Blood Disorders, Eye Sight, Human Biology, Nervous System, Peripheral Neuropathy, Symptoms, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), Vasculitis
Lupus Retinopathy
Lupus retinopathy is the most common vision concern for those living with SLE, and is often one of the first symptoms for the newly diagnosed. Yet, serious problems with eyesight are relatively rare, and there are many ways to avoid the damage that lupus can cause. So, read on to learn more about how lupus…
Antiphospholipid Syndrome, Autoimmune Diseases, Brain and Nervous System, Coping With Lupus, Emotional Health, Nervous System, Peripheral Neuropathy, Symptoms, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), Types of Lupus, Vasculitis
Lupus and Seizures
Seizures are one of the most common neurological symptoms of lupus – affecting about 10% of those living with SLE. What are the causes of lupus seizures, and how are they diagnosed and treated? Read on to find out!. Introduction More About Seizures Lupus and Seizures Diagnosing and Treating Lupus Seizures In Conclusion . Introduction…
Blog, Featured, Human Biology, Human Biology and Anatomy, Symptoms, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), Vasculitis
Lupus and Disorders of the Ear
There are estimates that up to 70% of those with SLE report problems with hearing and/or feeling dizzy. If that statistic perks up your ears, keep reading! Introduction to Lupus and Disorders of the Ear A Quick Anatomy of Hearing and Balance How can lupus cause ear and hearing disorders? How to Protect Hearing and…
About Lupus, Anti-Inflammatory/Paleo Diets, Blog, Featured, Heart and Cardiovascular Disease, Living with Lupus, Lupus Awareness, Vasculitis
Vasculitis and Lupus
Though relatively rare in general – possibly affecting as few as one individual in a million – vasculitis can pose health risks in individuals with SLE where it reportedly affects between 11% and 36% of those with lupus. Introduction What causes vasculitis? Antibody Activity in Vasculitis What are the symptoms of vasculitis? How is…