About Lupus

Lupus in Children

Child-onset lupus is quite rare, but can be more serious than adult-onset form of the disease.  This article describes the latest information for those who live with lupus at a very early age. Contents: Introduction Symptoms and Causes Diagnosing Lupus in Children What is the treatment for lupus in children? (Important 2024 Update!!) What is…

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Lupus and Pregnancy

If you have lupus, managing pregnancy while managing chronic illness takes a team effort – you don’t have to go it alone. This article will address many of the questions you may have about lupus and pregnancy in order to have informed discussions with your healthcare practitioners about what to expect if you are planning…

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Lupus and Low Disease Activity

While living lupus-free is the ideal goal, what is the optimal, achievable goal for most individuals living with lupus in the here-and-now? Achieving Lupus Low Disease Activity State (LLDAS) is key to feeling your best with a minimum of symptoms and medications in order to maintain a good quality of life. What does LLDAS look like,…

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Lupus and Nutrition

A good diet should be a priority for everyone. However, when there are complex lupus symptoms to manage, you have to go above and beyond the basic nutritional guidelines. This isn’t always and easy thing to do. Introduction Basic Dietary Guidelines to Follow When You Have Lupus The Impact of Good Nutrition on Lupus Dietary…

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Lupus and the Biology of Digestion

More than 50% of those with lupus experience some kind of digestive system disorder.  Here is an overview of this complex part of the human body and how it can be affected by lupus, lupus medications and other conditions associated with SLE. Introduction Basics of the Digestive System General Effects of Lupus and Medications Specific…

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Lupus and Summer

Summertime … and the livin’ with lupus is… not easy. With the intense sunlight, heat, humidity, wind, pollen and even air pollution, summer can make life miserable for those living with SLE.  Summer conditions can trigger flares and possibly even the disease itself.  To learn how to best manage this time of year, read on. …

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Traveling With Lupus

Set yourself up for success by reviewing the Kaleidoscope Fighting Lupus travel guide!   Preparing The Flight The Hotel Room Getting Around Town The Food The Medications In Case of an Emergency This time of year, many people enjoy traveling.  Exploring different places, cultures, foods and sights can be inspiring and life-changing. However, the stress…

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The Dynamics of Relationships – Lupus, Family and Support Systems

Whether you consider your family as the family you were born or married into, the one you’ve created with your partner or spouse, or one you’ve hand-picked from close friends over the years, the strong support system these people provide in your life is as vital to your health and well-being as any medication that…

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Symptoms of Lupus in Men

Lupus is not a women’s disease.  It is a disease that can affect any demographic category and gender, though it affects women the most. This article outlines how to recognize the symptoms of lupus in men and why they experience lupus differently compared to women. Introduction Why is SLE less prevalent in males? Symptoms of…

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Living with Lupus: Managing Other People’s Feelings When You Are Ill

Sometimes the hardest part of telling others that you have lupus is managing how they deal with your news. Read more about the complex emotions that can arise from a lupus diagnosis. Introduction Fear of the Unknown Vulnerability Trust Jealousy Guilt and Shame In Conclusion   Introduction Having a chronic disease like lupus can be difficult, to say the…

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