5-Minute Read
5-Minute Read, Cutaneous Lupus, General Information, Human Biology and Anatomy, Peripheral Neuropathy, Photosensitivity, Skin
Lupus and Your Feet
If you experience foot cramps and pain on a regular basis, you are not alone. A whopping 77% of those living with lupus say they regularly experience foot pain! To find out what causes lupus foot pain and what you can do about it, read on. How Lupus Can Affect Your Feet: The 30-second Overview…
5-Minute Read, Blog, Depression, Pain, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), Therapies, Treatments
Lupus and Kratom
Using kratom to treat many health conditions, including lupus and its overlap diseases, is highly controversial. What is kratom and is it worth the risk? Introduction to Lupus and Kratom How can kratom treat lupus? What are the risks of kratom use? In Conclusion Introduction to Lupus and Kratom Kratom may sound like something…
5-Minute Read, Alternative Lupus Treatments, Blog, Living with Lupus, Nutrition, Therapies
Lupus and Turmeric
The spice that gives the most flavorful curry dishes their distinctive taste and color also contains antioxidants and other chemicals that may help improve some symptoms associated with lupus! How to separate the facts from fiction? Read on …. Introduction to Lupus and Turmeric How might turmeric help with lupus? What are the risks? In…
5-Minute Read, Blog, Human Biology, Pregnancy and Lupus, Reproductive Health, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
Lupus and In Vitro Fertilization
While many women with lupus successfully use in vitro fertilization to conceive, it can be risky for some. Read more about these risks and how to prepare for a safe pregnancy! Introduction to Lupus and In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) In Vitro Fertilization Risks for Lupus Planning, Patience, and Perseverance In Conclusion Introduction to Lupus and…
5-Minute Read, Blog, Where to Find Help
The Role of the Pharmacist in Managing Lupus
Never underestimate the value of a good pharmacist! They are the lupus medication experts that keep track of your treatments and have a unique perspective that can make a real difference in managing your lupus. Introduction to the Role of the Pharmacist in Managing Lupus How can a pharmacist help manage lupus? In Conclusion ….
5-Minute Read, Blog, Coping With Lupus, Emotional Health, Living with Lupus, Mind/Body Connection, Self-care, Stress, Therapies
Lupus and Self-care: A Day at the Spa
Prioritizing routine self-care is a must for both women and men living with lupus. Enjoying a day at the spa – or creating a spa-like experience at home – can feed the body and soul! Introduction to Lupus and Self-care: A Day at the Spa Building the Perfect Spa Day In Conclusion Introduction to…
5-Minute Read, Blog, Coping With Lupus, Symptoms
Lupus and Overheating
Has lupus taken away your ability to tolerate heat or caused hot flashes or excessive sweating? Overheating is one of the most common symptoms that come with SLE. Read on to find out how lupus can cause heat intolerance and what you can do to keep cool! Introduction to Lupus and Overheating What causes overheating…
5-Minute Read, Blog, Environmental Factors, Featured
Lupus, Nicotine and Smoking
You probably know the statistics – that cigarettes and smoking are incredibly addictive and unhealthy, containing thousands of toxic chemicals, but did you know that it is even worse for those living with lupus? Read on to find out why! Introduction to Lupus, Nicotine, and Smoking How does quitting help? In Conclusion . Introduction to…
5-Minute Read, About Lupus, Blog, Coping With Lupus, Emotional Health, Fatigue, Invisible Illness, Living with Lupus, Stress
Spoon Theory
Finding the right words to put living with lupus in perspective can be difficult. Spoon Theory to the rescue! What is Spoon Theory? Who is a Spoonie? Life as a Spoonie In Conclusion What is Spoon Theory? In 2003, Christine Miserandino created The Spoon Theory to explain what life is like for someone living…
5-Minute Read, Hair Loss, Nutrition, Symptoms
Lupus and Dry, Brittle Hair – “Lupus Hair”
Lupus, and all that comes with it, can have a serious effect on your hair. Dry, brittle hair that easily breaks off is one aspect that can really be alarming. However, there are simple things you can do to lessen the damage. Continue reading to find out why ”lupus hair” happens, and what can you…