General Information
5-Minute Read, Cutaneous Lupus, General Information, Human Biology and Anatomy, Peripheral Neuropathy, Photosensitivity, Skin
Lupus and Your Feet
If you experience foot cramps and pain on a regular basis, you are not alone. A whopping 77% of those living with lupus say they regularly experience foot pain! To find out what causes lupus foot pain and what you can do about it, read on. How Lupus Can Affect Your Feet: The 30-second Overview…
About Lupus, Emotional Health, Environmental Factors, General Information, Holidays and Seasons, Living with Lupus, Lupus Flare, Photosensitivity, Risks Associated with Lupus, Stress, Symptoms, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
Lupus and Summer
Summertime … and the livin’ with lupus is… not easy. With the intense sunlight, heat, humidity, wind, pollen and even air pollution, summer can make life miserable for those living with SLE. Summer conditions can trigger flares and possibly even the disease itself. To learn how to best manage this time of year, read on. …
About Lupus, Cutaneous Lupus, General Information, History of Lupus
A Brief History of Lupus
Lupus is a complex disease, and its history, which spans centuries, is just as complex – an amazing story of discovery from 400 BC to the present. Read on for a brief outline of the history of lupus. Introduction The History of Lupus The Classical Period The Neoclassical Period The Modern Period In Conclusion Introduction…
About Lupus, General Information, Lupus Vocabulary, Symptoms, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), Types of Lupus
Type 1 and Type 2 Lupus
Lupus is such a complex and poorly understood disease that it can be difficult for patients and healthcare providers to even talk about, much less treat. So, researchers at the Duke Lupus Clinic have proposed a new approach that may hold the key to better conversations – and even better science – when it comes…
Blog, General Information, Medications
A Brief Overview of Lupus and the COVID-19 Vaccine
If you have lupus, you must be wondering, is it safe to get a COVID-19 vaccination? The short answer is yes, but there are some facts you need to know as you consult with your healthcare provider on taking the vaccine. Read on to find out more! Introduction I have SLE; is the COVID-19 vaccine…
Autoimmune Diseases, Blog, Featured, General Information, Living with Lupus, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), Treatments
Lupus and Aging: Immunosenescence
Are you over 60 and living with lupus? Even it you are not over 60 yet, it is critical to know how aging affects those of us living with lupus. Read on and find out the facts about lupus, aging and immunosenescence. Introduction Lupus, Aging and Immunosenescence Staying Healthy While Aging with Lupus In Conclusion…
Blog, Featured, General Information, Technology, The Doctors
Lupus and Telemedicine
Today, millions are receiving at least some of their healthcare virtually – through online medical visits. Read about this rapidly evolving practice, and how it can support healthcare for individuals with lupus. Introduction Telemedicine Versus In-Office Visits for Chronic Illness The Pros and Cons of Telemedicine Telemedicine and HIPAA How to Prepare for a Virtual…
About Lupus, Coping With Lupus, Featured, General Information, Living with Lupus, Lupus Awareness
Lupus Remission Guilt
You’re in remission – that is fantastic! So why do you feel so guilty? Keep reading and learn more about lupus remission guilt – how to understand it and do your best to manage the feeling. Introduction What is Lupus Remission Guilt? Shame vs. Guilt in Lupus Remission Managing Lupus Remission Guilt In Conclusion …
Featured, General Information, Lupus Awareness
Drug-Induced Lupus
Lately, watching the evening news includes watching a myriad of drug commercials and hearing a litany of side effects, which often seem worse than the illnesses the medications are supposed to treat. Who knew that some of these drugs might even induce lupus? Introduction What medications cause DIL? What are the symptoms of DIL? How…
Autoimmune Diseases, Blog, Coping With Lupus, Featured, General Information, Living with Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus
Approximately 1.3 million individuals in the US, and 23 million worldwide have rheumatoid arthritis. Keep reading to learn more about the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of this autoimmune disease that overlaps with lupus. Introduction Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis Causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis Diagnosing Rheumatoid Arthritis Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis Rheumatoid Arthritis as an Overlap Disease of…