
The Lupus Butterfly Rash: Information You Need to Know

At least half of individuals with lupus have the malar – or butterfly – rash. Read on to learn more about this common, characteristic condition for those living with lupus. Introduction Causes of the Malar Rash Diagnosing Malar Rash and Lupus Treating and Preventing Malar rash Mental Health and Malar Rash Dr. Nisha Desai:  Lupus…

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Symptoms of Lupus in Men

Lupus is not a women’s disease.  It is a disease that can affect any demographic category and gender, though it affects women the most. This article outlines how to recognize the symptoms of lupus in men and why they experience lupus differently compared to women. Introduction Why is SLE less prevalent in males? Symptoms of…

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Diagnosing Lupus and Lupus Tests

Do you think you may have lupus?  Understanding the complex, multi-step process of getting a lupus diagnosis is one of the most common questions we get and there is no easy answer. The goal of this blog is to describe the most common aspects of the diagnosis process so that you can approach your healthcare practitioner…

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Vitamin D Deficiency and Lupus

If you have lupus, it is likely that you have been advised to take vitamin D as a supplement to your other therapies. Since those with lupus often must avoid direct sunlight, the primary way that vitamin D is produced naturally, it is a common deficiency that can lead to poor bone health – among…

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Pain, Pain, Go Away – The Chronic Pain of Lupus

With lupus, pain can hit any part of the body and at any time, and chronic pain can make day-to-day life difficult.  So, what can you do?  Read on to learn more about the many kinds of pain associated with lupus, how they are diagnosed and what can be done to treat them. . Why…

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mouth sores

Mouth Sores and Lupus

Contents: Introduction How is it diagnosed? What may be causing my mouth sores if it is not lupus? How are mouth sores treated? What can be done to help alleviate or prevent them How can my dentist help? In conclusion Introduction Much of the information about systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) focuses on how the disease affects…

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Lupus and Hormones

Never underestimate the power of hormones. These potent chemical messengers help regulate almost every function of the human body … including the autoimmunity.  Find out more about how they may influence lupus, and how they may lead to future treatments Introduction to Lupus and Hormones What role do hormones play in autoimmune disease and lupus?…

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Lupus and Blood Disorders

It is estimated that 85% of lupus patients will experience some form of unhealthy blood condition. In this article, we will take a closer at the blood disorder risks, symptoms and treatments for individuals living with lupus.   Introduction What is blood? What causes a blood disorder? Diagnosing Blood Disorders Common Blood Disorders in Lupus…

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Lupus and the Endocrine System

The endocrine system doesn’t get the respect it deserves – after all, it influences almost every cell, organ and function of the body.  It is also intimately connected to your immune system and can be heavily influenced not only by your lupus, but also by the medications you take.  How?  Read on to find out!…

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STOP! LOOK! AND LISTEN! How to Get Your Doctor to Take You Seriously… In a Seriously Short Office Visit

Contents: How to Get Your Doctor to Take You Seriously… In a Seriously Short Office Visit Write Out Your Questions In Advance Speak Up! Check Your Fear At the Door Conclusion   How to Get Your Doctor to Take You Seriously… In a Seriously Short Office Visit Physicians now, more than ever, are in a…

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