Brain and Nervous System

Lupus and Taste Disorders

Imagine biting into your favorite dish, only to find the flavors bland, metallic-tasting or even completely gone. For people living with lupus, this surprising symptom can do more than just turn everyday eating into a blah experience; it can significantly affect your health and quality of life. How?  Check out this week’s blog article to…

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Lupus and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), sometimes called, the “winter blues,” can affect almost anyone this time of year.  However, this form of depression can be particularly challenging for those living with lupus.  Read on to find out more about the complex relationship between SAD and lupus, and learn some simple ways to “brighten” one’s outlook!  Introduction…

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Lupus and Seizures

Seizures are one of the most common neurological symptoms of lupus – affecting about 10% of those living with SLE.  What are the causes of lupus seizures, and how are they diagnosed and treated?  Read on to find out!. Introduction More About Seizures Lupus and Seizures Diagnosing and Treating Lupus Seizures In Conclusion . Introduction…

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Neuropsychiatric Lupus

Lupus may affect the central nervous system in possibly up to 40% of those living with SLE.  Often labelled by the rather scary sounding name, “neuropsychiatric lupus,” its symptoms can range from mild brain fog and headaches to more serious conditions like memory loss, seizures, strokes and others that can dramatically affect quality of life. …

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Lupus and PTSD

 As you know, stress can negatively affect one’s health in many ways.  It can range from minor concerns to severe traumas that can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).  The latest research on stress and lupus shows growing evidence that the effects of PTSD may actually trigger the development of lupus as a disease!  What…

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Lupus and Neurotransmitters

Lupus can attack any part of the body, and that includes the brain – causing lupus fog, memory problems and even mood swings.  Neurotransmitters, are your brain’s chemical messengers and they are definitely part of the possible.  What are neurotransmitters and why does it matter to those living with lupus?  Read on to find out! …

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Lupus and Coffee

How many of us NEED a cup of coffee to start our day? Yet, what does it mean to consume coffee while living with lupus? The medical community is beginning to ask that question as well. Read on and find out about coffee and its impact on lupus. Introduction What Makes Coffee, Coffee? Coffee and…

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Lupus and the Brain

It is estimated that up to 75% of individuals with lupus experience symptoms related to the brain. While it is unclear what directly causes these symptoms, researchers agree that this is an area for continued research.   Introduction Anatomy of the Brain and its Role in the Central Nervous System What are the symptoms of…

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Dealing With a Lupus Depression: How Do You Cope?

Researchers of a 2017 meta-study published in the journal BMC Psychiatry found that approximately 25% 0f individuals with lupus experience depression. You may be one of those individuals who suffer from this often debilitating condition, especially when trying to come to terms with having lupus. Why does this happen and what can you do to…

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Lupus Fatigue: Causes, Treatment and Managing Expectations

The unrelenting exhaustion of lupus fatigue affects up to 80% of those living with SLE.  Read on to learn what the medical community has to say about its causes, symptoms and some of the best ways to cope with this extremely common and sometimes debilitating condition. Introduction What are the causes and symptoms of lupus…

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