About Lupus, Blog, Coping With Lupus, Featured, General Information, Living with Lupus, Medications
Rituxan and Lupus
Is It Lupus Chemo? INTRODUCTION Before diving into this blog topic, I thought I knew the exact waters I was entering. I mean, pretty clear in my mind, Rituxan is “lupus chemo” right? Many of you (like me), may be shocked to find out that although Rituxan is used to treat cancer, it is not classified…
About Lupus, Alternative Lupus Treatments, Blog, Coping With Lupus, Featured, General Information, Living with Lupus, Medications, Treatments
Alternative Lupus Treatments and Therapies
Contents: Complementary Medicine Complementary and Alternative Supplements and Treatments for Lupus Alternative Lupus Therapies/Treatments Complementary/Alternative Lupus Treatment: Precautions Complementary Medicine In our blog, Lupus Treatment Options: Lupus Medications, we covered many of the most common pharmaceutical treatments for lupus. We also recently posted a blog on the first FDA approved lupus drug in 50…
About Lupus, Autoimmune Diseases, Blog, Featured, General Information, Living with Lupus, The Doctors
Your First Visit to the Rheumatologist
You just scheduled your first appointment with a rheumatologist – now what? Whether you think you have lupus or not, you are probably feeling scared, confused, and tired of filling out repetitive forms … and maybe a bit alone. Your body, your entire world may seem out of control. Yet, you can take back…
About Lupus, Autoimmune Diseases, Blog, Coping With Lupus, Featured, General Information, Living with Lupus
Avascular Necrosis and Lupus
Osteoporosis is probably the most well-known medical condition related to bone-loss. However for those living with lupus, avascular necrosis (AVN) is also a concern – affecting approximately 10% of those living with SLE. What is AV? What symptoms should you look for, and how can you prevent or treat damage to your bones? Read on…
Antiphospholipid Syndrome, Autoimmune Diseases, Blog, Featured, General Information, Invisible Illness, Overlap Diseases
Lupus and Antiphospholipid Syndrome
A lupus diagnosis can be confusing and scary enough, let alone being diagnosed with antiphospholipid syndrome as well. Learn about this condition that affects up to 50% of individuals with SLE. . Introduction Signs and Symptoms of Antiphospholipid Syndrome Antiphospholipid Syndrome Causes Antibody Profile of Antiphospholipid Syndrome Diagnosing and Treating Antiphospolipid Syndrome Complications of Antiphospholipid…
Blog, Coping With Lupus, Featured, Living with Lupus, Medications, Photosensitivity, Sjogren's, Symptoms
Lupus and the Eyes
Up to one-third of individuals with lupus will develop some form of eye complications. Learning about the signs, symptoms and treatment options can help maintain the health of your delicate eyes. Introduction A Brief Anatomy of the Eye What eye diseases may affect an individual with lupus? What causes eye disease in individuals with lupus?…
About Lupus, Blog
Acute vs. Chronic: Living with Lupus
The acute and chronic conditions associated with lupus are two sides of the same autoimmune coin. Each can be devastating, but it is often the chronic nature of lupus that is the most hidden, the most difficult to understand. Read on to find out how both aspects of SLE can affect the lives of those…
About Lupus, Blog, Brain and Nervous System, Brain Fog, Depression, Emotional Health, Fatigue, Featured, Living with Lupus, Nervous System, Pain, Symptoms, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
Lupus and the Nervous System
Lupus can affect the nervous system in a number of ways, from seizures and nerve pain to memory loss and brain fog. Learn more about the nervous system, what symptoms to watch out for and what you can do about them in this KFL article! Introduction: The Two-minute Overview The Nervous System: Another Overview Lupus…
Blog, Myositis, Overlap Diseases
Myositis and Lupus
SLE can cause inflammation in all areas of the body. When it directly damages muscle tissue, we call it myositis, a serious condition that causes pain and weakness, sometimes rashes and affects a surprising number of those living with lupus. Read on to find out more about myositis – its causes, diagnosis and treatment. Contents: What…
Blog, Coping With Lupus, Depression, General Information, Gratitude, Invisible Illness, Living with Lupus, Mind/Body Connection, Parenting with Chronic Illness
Coping with Lupus: How Does Lupus Affect Your State of Mind and Body?
Contents: Coping with Lupus Some Main Challenges you May Face Things You Can Do To Help Yourself With hope, there are always possibilities Coping with Lupus Whether you have been recently diagnosed with lupus or have been living with it for many years, learning to live with, what can be a very debilitating disease,…