
Lupus and Sexual Health

Lupus can impact various aspects of a person’s life, and sexual intimacy is no exception. Unfortunately, this important topic is often not addressed in conversations between patients and healthcare providers. It is essential to recognize the physical, emotional, and social challenges lupus may present to sexual health. Read on to learn how to navigate these…

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Lupus and the Spleen

The spleen plays a vital role in the body’s immune system and overall health, and though serious lupus complicationss are rare, it is important to understand the role of this master blood filter of the body and how it can be affected by SLE!   . Introduction: What Does the Spleen Do? How Lupus Affects…

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Lupus and the Air You Breathe

There is nothing quite like a breath of fresh air … for a multitude of reasons.  Yet, polluted air can hold the potential for triggering the immune system in a negative way with every breath.  What can this mean for those living with lupus?  Read on to find out! Introduction Lupus, The Air and Your…

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Lupus and Fevers

Fevers are a common symptom of lupus.  At times it can be your body telling you what you already know … you have inflammation, but sometimes it’s your body telling you that you have a dangerous complication, like an infection.  So, it is important to take fevers seriously!   Read more to discover the causes…

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Lupus Retinopathy

Lupus retinopathy is the most common vision concern for those living with SLE, and is often one of the first symptoms for the newly diagnosed.  Yet, serious problems with eyesight are relatively rare, and there are many ways to avoid the damage that lupus can cause.  So, read on to learn more about how lupus…

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Lupus and the Health Risks of Sugar

Sugar seems to be in everything. The average American gets 270 calories of “added” sugar each day in processed foods and sugary drinks – about 17 teaspoons!  Unfortunately, consuming too much sugar can cause many serious health issues.  So, what does this mean for those living with lupus?  Read on to find out. A Quick…

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Neuropsychiatric Lupus

Lupus may affect the central nervous system in possibly up to 40% of those living with SLE.  Often labelled by the rather scary sounding name, “neuropsychiatric lupus,” its symptoms can range from mild brain fog and headaches to more serious conditions like memory loss, seizures, strokes and others that can dramatically affect quality of life. …

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Lupus and Biomarkers

Talking about “biomarkers” may not sound exciting, or even particularly interesting, yet they are absolutely critical to both diagnosing lupus and improving treatment plans for patients.  They are also vitally important tools that scientists use in their search for a cure, and the future of biomarkers is a bright one for those living with lupus! …

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Lupus and PTSD

 As you know, stress can negatively affect one’s health in many ways.  It can range from minor concerns to severe traumas that can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).  The latest research on stress and lupus shows growing evidence that the effects of PTSD may actually trigger the development of lupus as a disease!  What…

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Lupus and Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners have become a prevalent way to reduce sugar and its potentially harmful effects.  Yet, is there a downside to consuming artificial sweeteners for someone living with lupus?  Read on to find out. Introduction The Problem with Sugar … and Artificial Sweeteners to the Rescue! Artificial Sweeteners and Lupus In Conclusion: What is best…

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