Human Biology and Anatomy

Lupus and Shrinking Lung Syndrome

Have you ever felt short of breath for no real reason? For some living with lupus, this could be a sign of a rare but serious complication—shrinking lung syndrome (SLS). Read on to understand the symptoms, causes, and treatment options that just might help you breathe a little easier! Introduction The Biology of Shrinking Lung…

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Lupus and Taste Disorders

Imagine biting into your favorite dish, only to find the flavors bland, metallic-tasting or even completely gone. For people living with lupus, this surprising symptom can do more than just turn everyday eating into a blah experience; it can significantly affect your health and quality of life. How?  Check out this week’s blog article to…

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Lupus and the Spleen

The spleen plays a vital role in the body’s immune system and overall health, and though serious lupus complicationss are rare, it is important to understand the role of this master blood filter of the body and how it can be affected by SLE!   . Introduction: What Does the Spleen Do? How Lupus Affects…

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Lupus and Your Feet

If you experience foot cramps and pain on a regular basis, you are not alone. A whopping 77% of those living with lupus say they regularly experience foot pain!  To find out what causes lupus foot pain and what you can do about it, read on. How Lupus Can Affect Your Feet: The 30-second Overview…

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Lupus and the Air You Breathe

There is nothing quite like a breath of fresh air … for a multitude of reasons.  Yet, polluted air can hold the potential for triggering the immune system in a negative way with every breath.  What can this mean for those living with lupus?  Read on to find out! Introduction Lupus, The Air and Your…

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Lupus Retinopathy

Lupus retinopathy is the most common vision concern for those living with SLE, and is often one of the first symptoms for the newly diagnosed.  Yet, serious problems with eyesight are relatively rare, and there are many ways to avoid the damage that lupus can cause.  So, read on to learn more about how lupus…

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Lupus and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), sometimes called, the “winter blues,” can affect almost anyone this time of year.  However, this form of depression can be particularly challenging for those living with lupus.  Read on to find out more about the complex relationship between SAD and lupus, and learn some simple ways to “brighten” one’s outlook!  Introduction…

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Lupus and Seizures

Seizures are one of the most common neurological symptoms of lupus – affecting about 10% of those living with SLE.  What are the causes of lupus seizures, and how are they diagnosed and treated?  Read on to find out!. Introduction More About Seizures Lupus and Seizures Diagnosing and Treating Lupus Seizures In Conclusion . Introduction…

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Lupus and Anticoagulants

For those living with lupus, blood clots can be a significant health risk, possibly leading to strokes, heart attacks, pulmonary thromboses and especially kidney damage. Treating for these conditions means that many with SLE add anticoagulants (blood thinners) to their lengthy list of medications. What could this mean for you?  Read on to find out!…

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Neuropsychiatric Lupus

Lupus may affect the central nervous system in possibly up to 40% of those living with SLE.  Often labelled by the rather scary sounding name, “neuropsychiatric lupus,” its symptoms can range from mild brain fog and headaches to more serious conditions like memory loss, seizures, strokes and others that can dramatically affect quality of life. …

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